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We are a new luxury bathroom brand that provides a collection capable of making your projects came true.

This with high-end solutions as bathtubs, washbasins and free standing washbasins, mirrors, lighting, case goods and other products.

All our products are made with the finest selection of materials as: brass, marble, wood, glass, combined with rare handwork techniques and contemporary design.

Our main goal is to offer the same comfort and luxury that you are able feel in other division of the house, keeping at the same time the best exclusive design and bold pieces.

Get inspired with these luxury bathroom ideas for the modern home! 

Maison Valentina è un nuovo brand portoghese dedicato al mercato del lusso. La produzione è indirizzata all'ambiente bagno, ma comprende anche complementi d'arredo che possono inserirsi perfettamente anche in altri ambienti.

La linea Diamond, ad esempio, è un perfetto esempio di design alternativo, dove le classiche linee morbide dei sanitari sono trasformate in sfaccettature geometriche poliedriche.

Gli elementi sono ricoperti da una lamina d'argento che conferisce chiaroscuri di un nero translucido, con finitura ultra brillante. 

Allo stesso modo, specchi, cassettiere e lampade sono rivisitati, de-strutturizzati e ricomposti in forme alternative decisamente interessanti e movimentate.

I materiali utilizzati, legno, marmo, ottone, cristallo, sono di primissima qualità, come anche la lavorazione.

Una allegra novità nella fascia del bagno di lusso.

Maria Rosa Sirotti

Immagini: Maison Valentina

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Maison Valentina is a new Portuguese brand dedicated to the luxury market.

The production is directed to the bathroom, but also includes furnishing accessories that can fit perfectly well in other environments.

The Diamond Line, for example, is a perfect example of alternative design, where the classic soft lines of health have become geometric polyhedral facets.

The elements are covered with a silver foil, which gives light and shade of a black translucent, with ultra bright finish.

Similarly, mirrors, dressers and lamps are revisited, de-structurated and recomposed in alternative forms very interesting and lively.

The materials used, wood, marble, brass, crystal, are of the highest quality, as well as the processing.

A cheerful novelty in the range of luxury bathroom.

Maria Rosa Sirotti

Gold & Diamond

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